Will Automation be a boon?

Tanmay Arora
2 min readMay 10, 2021


Automation of the business process influences both efficiency and effectiveness. Hiring is simplified. Gone are the times of meeting first, technology enables to screen & scrutinize the profiles with the proper keywords. It’s also widely used in virtual assistance. With increasing time intervals and reducing the time of communication between client and server, these devices are fully developed to fulfill consumer needs. Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri is a popular vendor in this domain.

Low-skill workers are replaced but even highly skilled workers are becoming replaced by the machines. It’s going to seem to be increasing unemployment but in long term, automation has freed people from unnecessary work. New jobs are created; existing roles are redefined, and workers will have the chance to modify careers. The challenge particularly to the current generation is managing the transition.

Automation will change the dynamics of the jobs market, with many redundant jobs are going to be reduced. AI and robots will aid to enhance productivity tremendously. Dependency on human resources would go down dramatically resulting in lower down expenses. While companies will see a giant stride in their profit, unemployment will become a severe problem.

There’ ll be a sharp cut in people as robots will take over. What would human forces do then? How would they survive? Circumstances keep changing. A change always brings about many new things to fall back to. within the era of automation, many start-ups will see their daylight. Experienced and enterprising people will see better days for them being the owner of the corporate. Automation will sprout into many new opportunities.

Considering all the facts carefully we also see that; “Development without automation isn’t possible” and if it’s possible then it’s exponentially slow. So what option are we left with?

The solution lies in sustainable and balanced development. At the top of the day, someone is required to automate a process; and someone is required to take care of it.

Automation is extremely indispensable for the growth of the globe. Automation ensures the right utilization of resources together with the contribution in various fields like healthcare, sports, and technology. Without automation, we are going to waste our time on unnecessary things and the economic balance in the world isn’t maintained. It’s the necessity without which we can’t concentrate on development.



Tanmay Arora
Tanmay Arora

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